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myEoffering - Electronic Giving Made Simple & Cost Effective. Call today to learn more or to sign-up. 1.877.393.3330 | E-mail: [email protected]
線上捐款. 愛心支持『台灣流浪動物救援協會』 社團法人台灣流浪動物救援協會:政府立案的公益團體,五年多來致力於救援受傷的流浪動物,醫療、照護並送養,目前協會收容約七百隻無家可歸的毛小孩,飼料、醫療費用開銷極大,感謝會員贊助飼料與醫療經費,也請多多分享送養資訊,讓毛孩子 ...
本會發起年節認捐活動,結合企業及各地善心人士的捐贈,一同幫助社會的弱勢族群,讓愛延續。 改變以往的擺攤宣導方式,藉由free hug,向年輕族群say hi !!!
國際獅子會300g2區21個分會齊心助慢飛天使推廣中秋月餅禮盒 . 中秋節是家家戶戶團圓送禮的好日子,路得啟智學園的慢飛天使今年做好準備生產中秋節禮盒,卻因疫情影響中秋節禮盒訂單量下滑。
2020母親節憨兒邀您一起溫暖送愛. 愛心認購價:$280/每盒 預計募集盒數:255份 受贈對象:台南市弱勢家庭 匯款方式:1.郵政劃撥帳號:31538167 戶名:鴻佳啟能庇護中心 &nb...
公車299、299區、f202: 搭乘至【頭前國小】,步行頭前路約7~10分鐘可抵達: 公車803: 搭乘至【中興北街】,步行興德路約3~5分鐘可抵達
eOffering font size decrease font size increase font size; Print; Email . E-offering can be made a number of ways and can be done as a one-time offering or repetitive on a...
Use the login below if you need to view MyEOffering v1 data and reports. Otherwise, please use the Church or Member buttons below the login box for future transactions.
The Offering project is the artists of our time presenting the music of all time. Twelve gospel hymns, twelve original works of art from NZ's finest musicians and artists. All...
預點2021祈願燈專案. 燈 將在湖山大殿亮起. 歡迎您 預點2021年 福智僧團祈願燈. 將這盞燈獻給自己、獻給家人、獻給朋友們,也獻給佛菩薩。 誠心地將我們心中的祝福,將這樣一份智慧的珍寶,為自己和他人注入正能量,為這個世界獻上這一份寧静與和平。
戒癮諮詢更方便~晨曦會戒癮諮詢LINE官方帳號~上線囉! 若您或您的家人需要了解相關戒癮的資訊,歡迎您透過LINE APP官方帳號搜尋 <財團法人基督教晨曦會> 或點選 https://lin.ee/pKPKLrv 亦可掃描QRCODE加入line官方帳號 ,即可加入好友!讓我們陪你走戒癮的路~晨曦會關心您!
台東成功區漁會四健會為輔導與增廣漁村青少年在知識性、技藝性、文化性等不同領域之視野,藉此具備建全人格、思想、品行與技能等,使其成為優秀國民及漁村未來領導幹部;藉此,於 11 月 25 日下午,帶著本基金會成功書屋的孩子們一起動手做手工暈染抱枕。. 本會成功書屋十八位學童,在 ...
愛心義賣. 2021年小胖威利繪畫桌曆. 快 閃 義 賣 活 動 小胖威利2021年繪畫創作桌曆 **絕對限量 **先搶先贏 **售完即止 桌曆封面與12個月份桌曆繪畫 均為小胖威利繪畫創作,伴您精彩2021年 ***圖片為產品示...
專案名稱:健康老化 守護安全 勸募核准文號:高市社人團字第10844318500號 發佈日期:2019-12-19 截止日期:2020-09-30 勸募專戶:台新銀行 高雄分行 帳號20090100003028 『財團法人高雄市私立樂仁啟智中心』為高雄第一個在地的特教機構,至今,本中心在高雄地區服務身心障礙者四十個年頭,重視每一 …
eOffering Process; Overview eOffering Process eOffering Administrator eOffering Parish Coordinator. This program, provided by the Diocese, makes available a service whereby...
家園整修-全方位的照顧服務勸募計畫書 家園整修-全方位的照顧服務勸募計畫書 共同築起強而有力的後盾-扶礙走進社區、走入職場 募款期間 : 捐款滿額贈【華光環保袋 +Zero Weight輕量鋪棉背心+源順好由組合(含提袋)】 緣起: 華光社會福利基金會服務近300位身心障礙者,各項服務所需經費龐大 ...
CHOSEN : The new Offering Video. After being homeless, brothers Nathen and Tylor found a caring home at Baptist Children's Homes. Today, they have a family and Jesus in their...
Display your church's giving goal for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® with this printable Giving Goal Poster. 100% of your generous gifts provide missionaries the resources...
Mar 29, 2019 · We are privileged to be working with The Great New Zealand Songbook creator, Murray Thom on The Offering Project.. The Offering Project is a collection of 12...
Discover music to feed the soul. Offering is a collection of twelve gospel hymns that have provided comfort and peace for centuries.. The artists of our time perform the music...
Named after South Carolina WMU’s first President, the Janie Chapman Offering for State Missions helps support missions efforts across South Carolina and beyond.
The service is called My Eoffering and is provided by Church Budget, the same company that has provided our budget envelopes for several years. Steps for new members to sign up...
eoffering.com is for sale! Need a price instantly? Contact us now. Toll Free in the U.S. 1-855-859-4662 +1 781-373-6866. We can give you the price over the phone, help you with...
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